Inexxus - Serviços
is the best
tool in the world!
Social Media
Social Media
Social Media

We develop content and advertising strategies to increase your presence on social media and attract potential customers. Our service process for social media includes creating a content plan, defining objectives and goals, and management of social networks. We also carry out advertising campaigns to reach a specific target audience and increase your presence on social media. With an active presence on social media, your company can increase its visibility, strengthen its brand and build relationships with its customers and potential customers. This can lead to an increase in conversions and sales.

facebook 2,9bi active accounts
instagram 2bi active accounts
twitter 436mi active accounts
tiktok 1bi active accounts
practical and

await you
I want to have solutions!
Paid Traffic
Paid Traffic
Paid Traffic

We offer advertising on different platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads, to reach your target audience precisely and effectively. Our service process for Paid Traffic includes defining objectives and goals, creation of personalized advertising campaigns, constant monitoring of results and optimization of campaigns. With Paid Traffic well planned and executed, your company can reach a specific target audience and increase its visibility, which can lead to an increase in conversions and sales .

In 10 years a
inexxus managed
+50 millions The survey carried out by Kantar Ibope Media and IAB Brasil found an investment of BRL 14.7 billion in digital advertising in Brazil from January to June this year, an amount that exceeds the results of 2020 (R $10.3 billion) and 2021 (BRL 13.2 billion)
We have a
your business
I want to earn more

We optimize your site for search engines, increasing your visibility and reaching a wider target audience. Our SEO service process includes a detailed analysis of your site, identifying technical problems and opportunities for optimization. We also carry out keyword research to define the best optimization strategies. In addition, we carry out content optimization, link building and constant monitoring of results. With SEO well done, your company will be able to reach a prominent position in the results of search, increasing your visibility and driving more traffic to your site. This can lead to increased conversions and sales.

123 Millions this is the number of online shoppers in 2022 By 2025, the expectation is that this number will rise to 138 million
site can
take off!
I want results
Creation of

We produce quality content for your brand, including blog posts, videos and infographics, to increase your authority and audience engagement. Our content creation service process includes keyword research, creation of an editorial plan and production of quality content, including texts, images and videos. In addition, we also promote the created content through various social media and SEO platforms. With quality content, your company can increase its authority and credibility, as well as engaging and educating your audience. This can help attract and convert more potential customers.

R$412 It was the average ticket for
Brazilians in 2022

and great
I want results
Which serVices
do we offer
SEO Social Media Paid Traffic Content creation Creation of Sites Creation of EAD Platforms Creating Applications Custom Web Solutions Creation of Institutional Videos Web Hosting Business management ERP system Creation of Visual Identity Offline communication Email Marketing Sales consultancy Outsourcing of customer service Creation of a mascot in 3D Illustration Locution Vignette Commercial music
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